Canary Islands protesters humiliated as Tenerife joins Lanzarote’s pro-tourist movement | Travel News | Travel

The Canary Islands are a popular tourist destination, and due to the large number of visitors, one of the islands has recently taken steps to reshape its tourism model.

After the islands faced many over-tourism protests, some in Lanzarote held pro-tourism demonstrations.

Augusto Ferreira, the organiser of a recent pro-tourism demonstration and founder of the new association “Lanzarote Loves Tourism,” has been gaining traction not only locally but also from other islands and internationally, reports Canarian Weekly.

He recently appeared on a radio programme called “A Buena Hora,” where he expressed his satisfaction with the growing support for his idea.

Speaking on the radio show, he said: “When the Cabildo says they are looking for quality tourists… imagine if we go anywhere and they tell us they only want quality Spaniards,” highlighting concerns about exclusivity in tourism.

Despite its English name, Ferreira said that their association resonates with the local population: “Our association will be called Lanzarote Loves Tourism because, although it’s in English, we all understand what it means and who the message is directed towards.”

Those who support the pro-tourism organisation say that people must be careful what they wish for when they push tourists to “go home”.

Many are worried that a lack of tourism on the islands would harm local businesses and industries that rely on tourism, such as hospitality.

The organisation Lanzarote Loves Tourism has formed a partnership with CEST, which represents approximately 500 companies in the south of Tenerife.

Ferreira announced, “They have contacted me, and we had meetings on Friday and Saturday.

“We will sign the first collaboration agreement with them very soon under the slogan Tenerife Loves Tourism. We are very happy.”

He hopes that other islands and organisations will get behind his idea and support the movement.

Ferreira also addressed concerns about the tourism sector’s sustainability, saying that sustainability is an important part of the movement.

Lanzarote Loves Tourism will address infrastructure and transportation needs to help improve the foundations for successful tourism on the islands.

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