After failing his deathless GTA 5 run 8 times, Red Dead Redemption 2 streamer spends 45 hours beating Rockstar’s Western with no deaths on the third try

Dying in GTA is all part of the fun. It’s baked into the game, too. You just wake up in the hospital minus some cash, indicative of the privatized American healthcare system. Streamer Crayator tried to complete GTA 5 deathless eight times before giving up, and he managed to beat Red Dead Redemption 2 without dying on his third attempt.

This first run ended nine-and-a-half hours in when Arthur seemed to accidentally bonk his head while chasing a train on horseback. It’s not entirely clear what caused this death, and I’d have been extremely annoyed if this had happened to me that deep into a run.

His second attempt met an untimely end due to a grizzly bear. If you’ve seen The Revenant, you’ll know those things are no joke. Arthur gets mauled while Hosea just stands there, not being much use at all. This death happened barely two hours into the run, so it doesn’t sting as much as the first, but it’s still frustrating that the NPC didn’t step in at all.

The third and final run made it all the way to the finish line. The playthrough took almost 30 hours according to the on-stream timer, which is impressive consider the game can take over 50 hours, but Crayator did it, getting the high honor ending. In total it took 45 hours and three attempts over six days of streams. It’s an impressive feat, for sure, as even an unlucky headshot can cause Arthur to meet his maker.

Crayator then managed to finish the epilogue, also without dying, and has now moved on to getting 100% completion in the cowboy game. That might be even more of a challenge, as the game is absolutely huge. I’ve never tried to 100% a Rockstar game, but I love the world of Red Dead Redemption 2 so much that it’d probably be my first choice, too.

If you want to play through the company’s legacy, why not check out our list of the best Rockstar games of all-time and work your way through some classics.

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