what it means for your sign

Gird your loins and bite your tongues, folks; Mercury is going retrograde.

Our planet of the mind and the mouth, information and slander, connection and communion, is going retrograde in Sagittarius, the sign of philosophy, belief systems, the open road, personal narrative and essential truth.

When is Mercury retrograde?

Mercury will remain retrograde until December 15th. Oleksii – stock.adobe.com

Kicking off its slowdown, Mercury stations retrograde on November 25 at 9:42 p.m. ET at 22 degrees in the gilded quiver of Sagittarius. Mercury will remain retrograde until December 15, when it will station direct at 6 degrees of Sagittarius.

Because the realms that Mercury rules (technology, transportation, expression, education) are so integral to our quotidian routines, we feel the effects of Mercury’s retrograde acutely and immediately.

An astrological PSA: Planets do not ever move backward in space; they merely slow their proverbial rolls, a deceleration that looks like a reversal from our vantage here on beautiful, broken planet Earth.

Mercury in retrograde

Mercury retrograde phases are not designed to destroy. Flash My Pixel – stock.adobe.com

When a planet is in retrograde, its energy works in the opposite direction, not necessarily against us but certainly not as a trusted sidekick. Because Mercury governs the mind, its retrograde triggers challenges in organizing, expressing and creating order.

Common symptoms of Mercury’s retrograde include travel delays, brain fog, unexpected or renewed conflict, sexts sent to the wrong recipient, general malaise and frequent misunderstandings.

Remember star seeds, astrology is momentous, not malevolent, pushing us forward, oft uncomfortably, towards personal evolution.

In-kind, and in cruel to be kind, Mercury retrograde phases are not designed to destroy, but they are built to help us break free.

Rather, retrogrades invite us to lean hard and clean into the prefix re: reimagine, revise, repent, reflect, review, renew, reconcile, resolve and reorganize so that when the planet moves forward, so too can we.

Mercury retrograde November 2024

Because Sagittarius is synonymous with exploration and Mercury rules transit, folks might also consider where to move or what strange shore to seek next. Serhii – stock.adobe.com

The brilliant astrologer Evan Nathaniel Grim of Inner Worlds Astrology told The Post that because this retrograde is going down, or back as it were, in the sign of the rogue philosopher, beliefs and ideologies are subject to review.

“Many people are having a change of heart about their belief systems, perspectives, and political opinions. They are seeing the world differently in light of the election. People are reconsidering how their beliefs brought them to this position in their life.”

Because Sagittarius is synonymous with exploration and Mercury rules transit, folks might also consider where to move or what strange shore to seek next.

It’s a good time to contemplate a move but not an ideal time to make one, as Grim says travel will be especially difficult during this transit.

Retrogrades invite us to lean hard and clean into the prefix re: reimagine, revise, reflect, review, renew, reconcile, resolve and reorganize so that when the planet moves forward, so too can we.

This retrograde cycle can also cause us to question the concept of absolute truth and our perception and reception of information.

Grim advises, “We will look at social media quite differently, whether it represents reality or an echo chamber. People will continue to think more about how they receive and integrate information.”

This retrograde cycle can also cause us to question the media, the concept of absolute truth, and our perception and reception of information. Dina – stock.adobe.com

Grim says people could or should self-reflect with questions like, “Who can I trust? What information sources can I trust? Should I be relying on my own instincts, or should I be relying on the news?”

Beyond questioning our reality on every front, Grim says this retrograde is a boon for those who want to polish off a writing or media project or begin to tell a new story to or about themselves.

Because Mercury retrograde is going down, or back as it were, in a mutable sign, those with personal planets within that modality, looking at you, GeminiVirgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, will be most affected by this transit.

To take it up a notch or degree, folks with major placements from 6-22 degrees of these mutable signs will be most impacted and should harness their powers of discernment to avoid blowing their proverbial load.

Gems will experience more miscommunication in their intimate relationships and could potentially hear from, or circle back to, a former partner. Ariadna de Raadt – stock.adobe.com

For Gemini, this retrograde highlights their seventh house of partnership.

Grim imparts, “Geminis are reflecting on the state of their relationships and the philosophical alignment or misalignment they share with their partners.”

Grim predicts Gems will experience more miscommunication in their intimate relationships and could potentially hear from, or circle back to, a former partner. While reflection is called for, recommitment is cautioned against.

“Geminis who are single can continue to reflect on their past but should not commit to an ex during this retrograde. You could try to resolve something and seek closure, but it is not a great time to restart a relationship.”

For Virgos, the name of the game is thoughtful reflection, not bold action. Ariadna de Raadt – stock.adobe.com

For Virgos, this retrograde activates the fourth house of home and ancestry.

Grim shares, “This is a time to reflect on family, family life, property, and home-related matters. For Virgos, it’s a great time to wrap up some home renovation project, resolve an issue with your landlord, or reconcile with a family member.”

He cautions against Virgos moving or initiating new home-related projects during this period. The name of the game is thoughtful reflection, not bold action.

Archers might have difficulty making decisions and should lean into that hesitancy Ariadna de Raadt – stock.adobe.com

Grim shares that those who fall under the stars of Sagittarius are likely to feel particularly reflective during this retrograde period, contemplating beliefs, career trajectory, relationships and travel plans. He notes, “Because of this reflection, they’re going to have some difficulty communicating as there’s a part of their brain power that’s working backward into the past.”

He cautions that archers might have difficulty making decisions and should lean into that hesitancy. “Take it slow right now. Really think about conversations and past decisions and reevaluate. At the end of the retrograde, I think they can be in a really good position to feel like they have closure on a range of aspects in their life or feel like they have a better sense of direction.”

Pisces folk might reconnect with or resolve an issue with one or both of their parents. Ariadna de Raadt – stock.adobe.com

Pisces people will see this retrograde play out in their tenth house of career and public perception.

Grim shares, “Ideally, with Saturn going direct in their sign, Pisces people should have a sense of what they truly want from their work life. This Mercury retrograde may show them where they still have some final issues to resolve or projects to wrap up. While they are regaining momentum in their careers and in their sense of direction, this retrograde asks questions like ‘Do I or don’t I want to take that career pivot? How do I tie up loose ends in my current job to make sure that my transition is as smooth as possible?”

He notes that because the tenth house relates to elders and parental archetypes, Pisces folk might reconnect with or resolve an issue with one or both of their parents. Grim also cautions Piseans to be extra cautious in their public communications.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

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